
pilates and barre workout


Booty Kicker Barre for Home

Click here to learn more about the Booty Kicker barre and receive your discount!

osteoporosis exercises

Health & Injuries, Workouts

Osteoporosis Exercises – Safe Routine for Stronger Bones

  Osteoporosis exercises are important for anyone who has been diagnosed with osteoporosis or who would like to prevent losing bone density and having osteoporosis in …

10 Minute Ab Workout


10 Minute Ab Workout – Pilates Abs at Home!

Are you ready for a 10 Minute Ab Workout that doesn’t make you do one hundred crunches? As a physical therapist I hear from many clients …

exercises for cramps

Endometriosis & Fertility, Workouts

Workout for Cramps, PMS and Endometriosis

I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2005. Since then I’ve had three abdominal surgeries, including a hysterectomy, to help with symptoms and pain management. Along with …

advanced pilates workout


15 Minute Advanced Pilates Workout

This 15 Minute Advanced Pilates Workout will have you feeling the total body burn without leaving your mat! I’m a physical therapist and Pilates teacher, which …

Ab & Arm Workout


Ab and Arm Workout – 10 Minute Pilates Workout At Home!

You might not even realize how much you need this Ab and Arm Workout in your life! Neck pain. Headaches. Postural issues. Tennis elbow. Carpal tunnel …

10 minute workout with weights


10 Minute Workout With Weights – You Need to Lift Heavy Things!

You have to pick up heavy things and workout with weights! I’m not sure when it happened, but somewhere along the line society decided that men …

prolapse exercises

Prenatal/Postpartum, Workouts

Prolapse Exercises – Safe Workout for Prolapse

How much do you know about prolapse and prolapse exercises? If you are like me, not very much. I was diagnosed with a bladder prolapse after …

Easy Foot Exercises


Easy Foot Exercises – a 10 Minute Exercise Video!

Look down at your feet right now. Yes, I mean it :). I’ll wait. Ok, did you look? Now say “Thank you feet for doing such …

Desk Exercises at Work


Desk Exercises at Work – A Workout Video

  I have worked out and exercised in some very strange places in my lifetime. At the playground with my kids Standing in the park holding …