Complete Prolapse Guide – Prolapse Safe Exercises and Prolapse Surgery Success Stories

prolapse safe exercises

I am so happy to bring you my Complete Prolapse Guide, Prolapse Safe Exercises and Prolapse Surgery Success Stories.

You see, I had multiple prolapses and I wish there had been helpful and encouraging information when I was going through it all.

I hope to be that for you!

I know how frustrating and scary and confusing a pelvic organ prolapse diagnosis can be. It’s hard to see how little encouraging information there is out there.

So grab your favorite cozy blanket and a cup of coffee. Let’s dive in to my Complete Prolapse Guide and let you know there is hope and an active and fulfilling life beyond prolapse.

prolapse safe exercises

My Story

I became pregnant with my first baby in 2012. I had a very normal pregnancy and stayed fairly active with Pilates, yoga, walking and lifting weights. I didn’t run or start any new and crazy exercise program. Being a physical therapist and Pilates teacher, I felt I knew the safe way to exercise while pregnant and I followed those guidelines.

I then endured a 43 hour labor with our daughter. I only had an epidural at the tail end as they were trying to avoid a C-section. I ended up pushing for four hours and – with the help of a vacuum – she was finally delivered into the world.

Two weeks later I was trying to check the status of my stitches in the bathroom at home when I felt something abnormal. I grabbed a compact mirror and was pretty confused at what I was seeing. I literally went straight to the computer and Googled “pink golf ball coming out of vagina”. It was then I realized I probably had a prolapse.

I went to see my OBGYN who proceeded to tell me that 1) yes, I had a slight bladder prolapse and 2) I could get a pessary if I wanted.

That’s it.

With 13 years of physical therapy experience, I still was extremely unfamiliar with prolapse. I started researching and couldn’t find anything that truly guided me on what to expect. I also was very anxious to get back to exercise for the endorphins and sanity it provided me, so I proceeded to ignore the prolapse and start sprinting up and down my street at eight weeks postpartum.

I can now tell you that is EXACTLY what I should NOT have done! I had no idea what prolapse safe exercises were unfortunately.

While I didn’t cause my prolapse, I definitely didn’t help it heal. I made it worse by exercising too soon and in an unsafe way and prevented my body from having an opportunity to heal itself. I later discovered the safe way to exercise after having a baby and learned the things I think every woman should be taught and told.

I went through a few visits of pelvic floor physical therapy and was given a pessary to use and try. I learned how to manage my prolapse and what exercises felt good and what exercises to avoid.

I got pregnant with our second baby in 2017. My labor was unmedicated and was only 15 hours long with 15 minutes of pushing. While my prolapse didn’t affect my pregnancy, labor or delivery at all, it did get a little worse after our second baby. Again, I learned to manage it and went through another round of pelvic floor physical therapy when I was done nursing 20 months later.

At this point I was 41 years old and – because of my medical history of endometriosis and IVF – I knew we were unable to have more children. I was extremely active and my prolapse symptoms weren’t improving. My symptoms included a constant bulge out of my vagina, pelvic pain and pressure and some bloating. Many women can also experience incontinence. I only had that occasionally and was lucky in that respect, but I did have the constant feeling of needing to pee (basically I peed over 25 times a day 😯)

I finally decided see a urogynecologist to see what my options were.

After a thorough exam I was told I had a bladder prolapse (cystocele), rectal prolapse (rectocele) and uterine prolapse. They were all grade 3 and would not improve on their own. It was either live with it and let it get worse or have it surgically repaired.

I had never been told over seven years that I had a rectal or uterine prolapse, so that alone was a surprise. I also had a urine voidance test and discovered I would not need a bladder sling placed at the time.

After meeting with two different surgeons I was told I was a candidate for a hysterectomy, rectocele repair, cystocele repair and sacrocolpopexy. I prepared for a very long time both mentally and physically to be ready for this surgery. I know it’s a big decision and I recommend you take the time you need  to properly prepare and decide if it’s right for you. Please keep in mind only a small percentage of people actually need their prolapse surgically repaired. Most can learn to manage their prolapses through lifestyle changes and many can be healed through time and physical therapy.


Do you need surgery?

Not necessarily! You actually probably don’t. Only about 10% of women will need surgery for their prolapse. Most prolapse cases after giving birth reconcile on their own, so be patient and don’t be scared. Give yourself time, especially if you are nursing, as the hormones you produce after birth and while nursing can make your tissues more loose. Take a FULL eight weeks off from any exercise after giving birth, and then I recommend no crunches, planking or running and jumping until at least 16 weeks after giving birth to let everything heal.

Here is my tutorial on how to exercise with a prolapse.

Grade 1 and Grade 2 prolapses can often times be healed with the help of pelvic floor physical therapy and lifestyle management. Stay positive and know there is hope!

Even Grade 3 and Grade 4 can find a lifestyle that works for them but it will take more adjustment as you avoid activities that make it worse. Typically healing doesn’t occur with grade 3 and 4 but you can definitely find a healthy lifestyle if you chose to!

Here are many of my video resources about my own surgery, how I prepared and how I recovered:

My Hysterectomy and Prolapse Surgery Success Stories

My Experience with Mesh in My Surgery

Top Five Things to Know Before Surgery

Top Five Things to Know After Surgery

Two Weeks After My Surgery – Update

Twelve Weeks After My Surgery – Update

One Year After My Hysterectomy and Prolapse Surgery

Sex After Hysterectomy and Prolapse Surgery


prolapse safe exercises


Exercise with prolapse

One of the scariest things about reading online prolapse information is thinking you can never exercise again. That is simply not true!! I filmed almost every single exercise video you see from me with my prolapses. I walked, did yoga, practiced Pilates and lifted weights. You can be active.

You simply have to be willing to adjust your movements so you don’t make your prolapse worse. Knowing what prolapse safe exercises are is a big part of that as well.

For me that meant no running. No jumping jacks (ugh I still can’t and might never again do these!). There were certain movements in Pilates that made it worse so I simply avoided those.

I created non impact HIIT workouts so that I could still get a sweat and not have to jump up and down.

I have a bunch of resources for knowing how to exercise with a prolapse:

Four Week Prolapse Workout Guide – four weeks of prolapse safe workouts is here.

How to exercise with a prolapse is here.

Prolapse workout is here with prolapse safe exercises.

How to workout safely with a prolapse – lifestyle guide – is here.

Pelvic floor exercises are here.

Learn about lifting weights after surgery here.


Where to start

I know this is a lot to take in! First, take a deep breath. Take your time going through the resources and videos above. Learn what prolapse safe exercises are. Write down your questions and concerns and goals. I do virtual consults and assessments as well and talk many women through options, exercise plans and lifestyle management. You can schedule that here!

Here are the other top steps to take:

  1. See a women’s health physical therapist. You will want someone who does pelvic floor work. This is vital for you to know how your pelvic floor is working and what can be done to start in order to help.
  2. See a urogynecologist. I can’t believe it took me seven years to do this. OBGYN’s are great at what they do, but they do not specialize in prolapse. At all. You need a urogynecologist to really get all the information you need. This is who would do a surgery if you ever needed it.


In conclusion

There is HOPE, there is ENCOURAGEMENT, you can still be STRONG. Yes there are things to learn but you can do this! Most importantly, be an advocate for yourself. Don’t give up. Find health care practitioners to be on your team and help you feel your best.


prolapse safe exercises



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15 thoughts on “Complete Prolapse Guide – Prolapse Safe Exercises and Prolapse Surgery Success Stories”

  1. I had a crazy time I suffered from endometriosis for three years, got a partial hysterectomy, then for a year and half I had H-pylori! When that mess got cleared up, I had been doing Pilates, but had to have hernia surgery, so I went to working out hard…dancing and aerobics like 3 hours a night. Then I ended up having to have a heart ablatio! That was scary! I kind of got scared to get my heart rate up. Mentally I was a mess, so started doing yoga, and walking, so far so good, but I seen your videos and am so glad I did. I wish they had been around when I was going through all those things. So now I am 61 did your over 50 workout this morning and I got onto your website, and so glad I did, you are an amazing young woman! Helpful professional health advocate! I thank you please keep up the good work, I am so going to share your site with all my female friends, and coworkers!

  2. I can’t say thank you enough for this. I’m 24 and have been crying myself to sleep thinking I’m stuck at this weight after my second child because I couldn’t exercise with this prolapse. I really appreciate this article and all the workouts you’ve put together. Thank you.

      • This is amazing! I am 8 months postpartum and went to the my obgyn today about the same issue. I have a severe bladder prolapse and a partial uterine prolapse. I absolutely love running, but definitely started way too soon after giving birth. I stopped for a while to let my body health because something felt out of place but, I think the damage was done at that point. I thought I was better so, I tried introducing running again about 2 weeks ago, however things went from bad to worse. I knew it was time to be seen. I have to see a urogyn. My obgyn told me no more strenuous activity, no heavy lifting, etc. I love to workout, so this has been super helpful to read. I believe with how severe my prolapse is, I’ll need surgery and go over options if I decide to have another baby. I have one and I was hoping to have another, but we’ll see what the urogyn thoughts are. Thank you for sharing!!

  3. Hi Jessica,
    I want to thank you for your prolapse exercise series. I Iived with the symptoms of prolapse for many years and finally had the surgery for repairs & hysterectomy 6 weeks ago. I started using your recovery videos and they are great! One question I have is: will there be a point where it’s safe to do normal “core” exercises without modifications (like planks, etc?) or should we always modify permanently (like not lifting both legs during ab exercises)?

  4. Looks really useful, but do you have any of the information on exercising with a rectocele – do’s and don’ts – in text form? Videos are hard to refer back to quickly and I often don’t absorb all of the information for future use.
    Thanks for sharing your story, you’ve given me hope!!

  5. Hi Jessica–maybe I don’t fit the usual profile as I am 68 years old. I delivered 5 children in 8 years back in the 80’s and NO , there was no postpartum PT offered to me. NOW (and most likely THEN)–I have a rectocele, cystocele, and recently, my cervix is ‘at the door’. I am very healthy, eat a pristine, grain free low carb diet, not overweight, and yoga, walk, and bike regularly. I had pelvic floor PT three years ago. Kegel was still the mainstay of the work. NOW I am told that I have hypertonic muscles and need to learn a new way. Your videos and explanations are stellar and have helped me get a start VIRTUALLY that I need to move forward. Thank you so much.

    • Maggie – I am also an atypical viewer. I your age with the same healthy profile. I recently recovered from C Diff – a horrible bowel infection after taking Cipro for a bladder infection and I now likely have a rectal prolapse. After reading all the information on this site, I really wish a doctor had told me the importance of starting pelvic floor exercises. All of our pelvic organs would benefit greatly and for those of us who are active and exercise it would be so easy to incorporate and avoid so many problems as we age. THANK YOU, Jessica!

  6. I watched your video on your prolapse journey. Will you discuss the different types of mesh procedures used in surgery. I am almost 75 and have stage 3 cystocele (sometimes stage 4) and stage 2 rectocele. I am healthy and have practiced yoga for 22 years. I’m very active and weight has always been good. I will be consulting with a surgeon soon. Thank you.

  7. Hi Jessica,

    I went to your site and noticed your 2 week body bootcamp detox. Are the exercises in this bootcamp all prolapse safe?

  8. Hi Jessica,
    Thank you for all the first hand information you give over all the time. I have been following you on Instagram and YouTube and have found it so helpful. I have been diagnosed with stage 3 prolapse and my Dr right away wanted to do surgery. I felt like someone tore my life away. I am 54, otherwise active and healthy. Right now I wear a pessary and go to PT.
    I am always open to new exercise ideas.


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