how to


Do You Want To Teach Pilates? You Can!

So I planned on writing this post all about the details of becoming a Pilates instructor, the history of different schools, and how I created my …


The Healthy Pregnancy Series – Being Healthy While Pregnant

If you are here, you are most likely pregnant, and congratulations and a virtual hug are in order!  Whether you were trying for one month, one …


4th of July – How to Have a Healthy and Guilt-Free Celebration!

Three facts about me that some of you may not know…1) I’m super excited to spend 4th of July in a new beach town and watch …


How To Sweat Proof Your Makeup

Hi everyone!  I’m so excited to introduce you to our guest blogger today!  Jen Rawson blogs over at Pretty Little Grub and is a Registered Dietician and …


Finding Balance

  Finding “balance” in life is a tricky thing because it’s so abstract.  We all know we need it, but how to find it and what …