workout schedule

workout schedule


My Recommended Home Workout Schedule

We have all been forced to find some kind of new routine in the past eight weeks, including for our home workout schedule. This includes our …


Fitness, Inspiration

Make a Change In The World through Exercise

While I love to exercise and believe fully in the positive power of movement, I have never been a “natural” runner. I played soccer for 16 …

exercise routine


Why Your Exercise Routine Isn’t Working

Is there anything more frustrating than spending time and money on your exercise routine and still not getting the results you want? You buy class packages, …

workout schedule


The Ultimate Home Workout Schedule

We live in an amazing time that offers hundreds of different workout possibilities. Zumba. Crossfit. Barre. Pilates. Yoga. Piyo. Spinning. BodyPump. BodySculpt. Jazzercise. Biking. Running. Hiking. …