Amazing workouts are one of the primary things you’ll find here at Happy Hour Mama!
I’m a physical therapist, certified Pilates instructor, spin instructor and general lover of all things movement related!
I believe we all feel and look better when we make fitness a priority, and I also believe workouts should be FUN and EFFECTIVE! Here you will find safe and motivating workouts you can do at home with little to no equipment, in the short bursts of time you have between morning meetings, toddler nap times and your afternoon commute.
Happy Hour Mama Membership Site
For people who really want to get serious about their workouts! This includes a monthly workout calendar, access to all of our workout videos and instructionals, audio recordings, a private Facebook group, recipes, menu planning and more! We have many full length and specialty workouts that are released ONLY to the people in our membership group, so check it out!
Free 3 part video series that includes a bonus workout, meal plan and food journal
You don’t need much for amazing home workouts! Shop my favorite items here!
Hi Jessica, I love your scoliosis routine videos, I follow your video and do the basic scoliosis exercise with some pilates daily as I have been diagnosed with scoliosis but it is very mild. I have been having on going pain for about a year near my serratus anterior muscle on right side, apparently it is very weak and it needs some strengthening. I have seen two physiotherapist until now and haven’t received much help. I have the pain near my right shoulder blade, underarm and ribs side almost daily and always. Could you suggest me a few exercises or videos to strengthen the serratus muscle. Also please advise if you feel that the pain may be caused by some other reason.